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There are multiple ways of looking after yourself and improving upon the foundation that is you.  Maybe you've always wanted to tighten your body up so the muscles are more prominent, in either size or definition, lose a bit of fat, or develop the fitness capacity to allow you to take on the mountains of the French Alps.  All of these are achievable with the right exercise regimens.  Below are some of the areas where AMPT can assist you.  


Whether you want to be able to pick up and carry a 20kg bag of dog food from the car to the kitchen, or lift the back end of a car to show off to your friends, strength development is something that can benefit anyone and everyone. Through a simple process of appropriate programming in conjunction with specific muscle targeting this objective can be obtained.


Improving your overall cardiovascular fitness should be the goal of everybody.  General aerobic conditioning/fitness is a type of exercise that can benefit the body in many more ways than you might expect.  Not only does it improve your capacity to last longer during specific activities, such as jogging , swimming, or even just walking up the stairs, but it is also hugely beneficial in regards to supporting the body's ability to combat disease and illness, as well as prevent injury.



Most people at some point have dreamed about being able to see the definition of the muscles in their arms or shoulders, or everywhere for that matter. The root cause of people not being able to see this is fat.  Therefore, if this is an aim of yours then all that is needed is a variety of high rep body weight or weight based exercises, as well as some good fat burning routines. Diet also plays a massive role. Eating cleanly will help boost your metabolism which will in turn allow you to burn more fat during sedentary periods of the day.


All sports require many hours of skills and fitness training based on the pitch or court, but every sport must also incorporate very specific training carried out in the gym.  Depending upon the demands of he specific sport, this can incorporate strength training, endurance training, aerobic fitness, and/or muscular conditioning.  If it's pre-season then the gym is a great place to help get you fit enough to start the season, and if it's post-season then you can maintain a level of fitness through conditioning so you don't have to start the pre-season or following season from afresh.  Sport specific gym training can also incorporate very specific movements that will compliment the actions you perform during your sport.

Sport Specific


Speaking from experience, injury due to exercise or sport can be extremely dejecting, and building yourself back up from the ensuing depression can be tough.  However, with appropriate exercise you don't need to fall into the no-training rut.  You can always continue to work around the problem area, and once the injury has healed to a safe condition then specific exercises can be carried out to strengthen the injured body part, as well as the surrounding areas to build up more stabilising strength to help prevent the problem occurring again.



This goal goes hand-in-hand with muscular toning.  The types of routines required are very similar, such as a variety of high rep body weight or weight based exercises, as well as some good fat burning routines, like intervals (time or distance based, high or variable intensity exercise) or compound routines (multiple muscle groups working together to achieve a movement). What you consume also plays a massive part in this process; in fact it's about 80% of the process. But, in conjunction with a well structured, metabolism boosting exercise routine the goal is more easily achieved.

Fat Loss
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